Symbol of beauty, grace, transformation, life ...Small statuette (15 cm x 10 cm x 4,5 cm, ceramics, gilding (18ct gold), various glazes)Labodja energija prikliče lepoto, milino, poetičnost in skladnost v naše življenje. Labod je povezan z očiščevalno močjo vode in čustev. Slovi po milem loku prelepega vratu in neokrnjeni belini perja. Beli labod je simbol nedolžnosti, iskrenosti, poštenosti, čistosti, brezmadežnosti in duhovne lepote. Ker združuje dva elementa, vodo in zrak, je razumljen v mnogih kulturah kot ptica življenja.
Ker si samo enkrat izbira svojega partnerja, in takrat za vedno, je simbol zvestobe in večne ljubezni.
Lepa in dostojanstvena drža je labodom prislužila sloves kraljevskih ptic; zaradi poguma, moči in neustrašnosti, je labod tudi simbol fizične moči.
Labodi so zvesti spremljevalci slovenskega Bleda, ki je verjetno dobil ime po BELINI, belem sijaju, ki ga odseva magično jezero z otokom in tako tvori krog in piko – najstarejši simbol za osvetljenje Boga, ki je v človeku.
Skulptura v podobi novorojenega laboda, je simbol nedolžnosti, neomadeževanosti, simbol bele Rajske ptice ...
Rojstvo človeka je kot simbol bisera, ki leži v bisernici na dnu morja.
Biser predstavlja Boga, ki ga iščemo, zato je naše življenje igra resnice. Ko najdemo Boga v sebi, najdemo biser – "belo Rajsko ptico”.
Vsako rojstvo je sveto in ta bela ptica je posvečena vsem novorojenčkom na planetu, tudi naši Noemi z rojstnim dnem 2. 4. 2007.
Današnji božanski novorojenčki bodo zavladali zlatemu obdobju in spremenili bodo svet v ljubezen in čisto zlato!
The meaning of gold colour
The colour gold symbolises abundance, wealth, prestige, prosperity and luxury. It is the colour of success, achievements, triumph and optimism. It is associated with quality, prestige, sophistication and elegance. Gold attracts the eye and represents inspiration and the activation of spiritual energy. It can improve mental and physical health, while also lighting the way to future goals and bringing success, since it is associated with the energy of the sun and, in turn, with life energy, strength and self-confidence. It helps to achieve spiritual enlightenment and to gain knowledge and a deeper understanding of one’s own self and soul. It celebrates successes and motivates people to reach their potential. Gold is optimistic and positive, and adds richness and warmth to everything it is associated with, thus illuminating and enhancing other things around it as well. The colour gold increases passion and charisma, as well as compassion and understanding.
Gold is a sacred colour in both religious and magical contexts. It represents divine qualities, which is why many of the objects used in sacred rituals are made of gold or gold-coloured. It is associated with pre-eminence, has a frequency of higher protection, and signifies total integration and spiritual service.Why plate items in gold? Because humans also have a little gold in their bodies. What connects the individual human to their soul in the physical sense is gold. This connection is ‘golden’. Unless one ‘gilds’ oneself spiritually, one cannot come closer to God, to knowing oneself, to a deeper realisation that one is a spiritual being. A spiritual being can only develop in a physical body.