The tendril wrapped around the stem with vibrations gives positive energy to the content. A symbol of wisdom, power, strength, eternal energy ...
The tendril wrapped around the stem with vibrations gives positive energy to the content. A symbol of wisdom, power, strength, eternal energy ...
(h = 23 cm, crystalline, lead-free crystal glass)
The cup of wisdom was designed on the basis of the artist’s research into the old Veneti people and the Etruscans. The tendril wrapped around the stem is a symbol of God and gives a positive energy to the liquid by producing special vibrations. Wisdom or ‘mudra’ is the science dealing with energies, self-awareness and the discovery of perfection. The cup of wisdom is a ritual spiritual instrument! Let’s learn how to use it!
The undulating line is an ancient sign illustrating force and power. It is a sign of eternal energy having been taken in and experienced by man as early as in the prehistoric period and particularly when man’s existence became totally dependent on the harvest of the field. Today, the undulating line is still the basic element of Slovenian ornaments like the Idrija lace pattern. On the basis of these elements, Oskar Kogoj designed a cup on a kind of tendril, an upright undulating line, reminding one of the wine and having symbolic value. The vine is not only shaped in the form of a tendril but once was also called a tendril. It is from here that the name of the wine is derived. Consequently, the symbolic value of the glass with a tendril is doubled according to its content (wine) and the origin of the wine (the tendril).