Symbol of eternal life ...
Symbol of eternal life, transformation from darkness into light ...
Small sculpture (28 cm x 3,5 cm x 17 cm, ceramics, white glaze)
For over 20 years, lotus grew on our backyard in Miren, where I observed its blossoming and humble purity. The Slovenian Veneti, today known as Slovenes, knew the secret of life. The secret lies in the eternal circle, eternal life and transformation that exists in nature. The human life is a play of beauty, kindness, happiness and challenges. Everything is up to us alone, our thoughts, words and actions. We evolve through our experience, but we must never forget that kindness is beauty, that the beauty in the beautiful is art, and that art is the divine lotus flower...
The lotus flower and lotus leaf are both symbols of eternal living: the divine birth, life, death and rebirth... The lotus symbolizes a spiritual blossoming, the transformation of darkness into light. It is the symbol of the cosmic egg and the heart – at first a closed heart that is yet to open up, as only once it is completely open can it become pure love that the modern man all too desperately needs.
The man is god, even though he is not aware of it yet. He must awaken what he carries deep inside... May the blossoming lotus flower be a metaphor of our goal – unconditional love, inner peace and satisfaction in life.
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